
An extraordinary man currently living an ordinary life. A life which is saturated with ambition fueled by expression. The ambition is simple, to place a mark in the martial arts and fashion world. With Martial arts reflecting a lifestyle, fashion, on the other hand, exudes self expression. These two elements of expression is what defines William Mitchell.

William Mitchell started martial arts at the age of 8. It began from being inspired by Jean Claude Van Damme and various martial arts games, he was instantly enthused to learn the art. Martial arts was not a stroll in the park in the beginning. Going through many different schools and instructors, none of the schools were interesting enough. The classes were not doing the techniques displayed in the movies and games. However, this never ceased his relentless effort to continue to learn.

In the course of his martial arts training, he has met and competed with amongst some of the best which he is on the pursuit to obtain, to be the best.  Everything he has learned in martial arts helped him excel in fashion. An aspiring fashion stylist in the making. Be on the lookout

4 thoughts on “Bio

  1. Hey Will …. this is Kesha (trump-tight) stopping by and showing love!!! its Niiiiiccce!!! just showing my support MM……T!!!!

  2. I love hearing about what inspired you to get going, and I find it interesting that you cycled through a bunch of different clubs and styles at the beginning before you presumably settled in somewhere. I joined the club my brother was already a black belt in, and haven’t strayed styles hardly at all! (sad in some ways, cool in others)

    Fellow Karateka, Jill – my personal training/opinions blog

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